Home Blog Test-Find the silent letter from the word

Test-Find the silent letter from the word

Test-Find the silent letter from the word

Test-Find the silent letter from the word- Do solve it

A letter is silent if it is not pronounced.

In English you will find various silent letters. In the given test you need to find only one silent letter. So try to find it.

Do solve the test-

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English Grammer Exercies test

Word Power

See list of English words having missing letter

  • Knife
  • Gnome
  • Honest
  • Hour
  • Debt
  • Doubt
  • Lamb
  • Castle
  • Autumn
  • Isle
  • Psychology
  • Trolley
  • Receipt
  • Wrestle
  • Wrist
  • Pneumonia
  • Subtle
  • Colonel
  • Wednesday
  • Yacht



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