BITSAT– The Birla Institute of Technology Science Admission Test
The Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani, recognized as an Institute of Eminence by MHRD.
It is India’s leading Institute of Higher Education and a deemed to be university.
It has an illustrious legacy, modern campuses and eminent alumni in leadership positions across the world.
It is also India’s highest ranked non-Govt Institute.
The qualities of innovation, enterprise, commitment to excellence, adherence to merit, and transparency, have characterized the Institute during its inexorable march to eminence.
एमएचआरडीने इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ एमिनन्स म्हणून मान्यता दिलेली बिर्ला इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नॉलॉजी अँड सायन्स (बीआयटीएस) पिलानी ही भारतातील आघाडीची उच्च शिक्षण संस्था आणि एक मानली जाणारी विद्यापीठ आहे.
या संस्थेचे आधुनिक कॅम्पस आणि जगभरातील नेतृत्व पदांवर असलेले प्रख्यात माजी विद्यार्थी आहेत.
ही भारतातील सर्वोच्च क्रमांकाची बिगर-सरकारी संस्था देखील आहे.
नावीन्य, उद्यमशीलता, उत्कृष्टतेची वचनबद्धता, गुणवत्तेचे पालन आणि पारदर्शकता या गुणांनी संस्थेला तिच्या प्रतिष्ठेच्या अथक वाटचालीदरम्यान वैशिष्ट्यीकृत केले आहे.
There are three modes of admission in integrated First-Degree programs at BITS Pilani:
(A) Through the BITSAT-2025 Scheme
(B) Through the Board Topper’s scheme
(C) Through the International Students’ admission Scheme.
BITS पिलानी येथे एकात्मिक प्रथम पदवी कार्यक्रमांमध्ये प्रवेशाचे तीन प्रकार आहेत:
(A) BITSAT-2025 योजनेद्वारे
(B) बोर्ड टॉपर्स योजनेद्वारे
(C) आंतरराष्ट्रीय विद्यार्थ्यांच्या प्रवेश योजनेद्वारे
Exam: BITSAT-2025
The online application process for BITSAT-2025 will begin on January 21, 2025. All other relevant details regarding the application procedure, eligibility, and important dates will be updated soon.
BITSAT-2025 साठी ऑनलाइन अर्ज प्रक्रिया 21 जानेवारी 2025 पासून सुरू होईल. अर्जाची प्रक्रिया, पात्रता आणि महत्त्वाच्या तारखांसंबंधीचे इतर सर्व संबंधित तपशील लवकरच अपडेट केले जातील.
Exam Sessions : BITSAT-2025 will be conducted in two sessions:
1) Session-1: 26th May 2025 to 30th May 2025
2) Session-2: 22nd June 2025 to 26th June 2025
Application Deadline: The last date to apply for Session-1 or both sessions is 18th April 2025.
Exam Fee-
Fees Crteria | Boys | Girls |
Only one session | Rs.3500 | Rs.3000 |
Session 1 and 2 | Rs.5500 | Rs. 4500 |
- Fees can be paid online through PayU Money, PayTM, ICICI, or Razorpay Payment Gateway.
- Application Deadline: Submit the online form and fee by 5:00 PM on 18th April 2025.
- Edit Window:Corrections can be made between 29th April 2025 and 1st May 2025. Note: Certain fields cannot be edited post-registration.
- Session-2 Application Window:26th May 2025 to 10th June 2025 (for candidates registering after the initial deadline).
Register to obtain a system-generated unique 8-digit Application Number (User ID) and Password.
Use a valid email ID and mobile number that will remain active throughout the admission process.
OTPs for validation will be sent to the registered email and mobile number.
Important Details:
- The Application Number and Password will also be sent to the registered email and mobile number. (Overseas candidates will receive these details via email only).
- Ensure accurate entry of Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, Email Address, and Gender, as these details cannot be changed later.
Application Guidelines –
Submit only one application form; duplicate submissions will be rejected.
Ensure all entries are accurate before submission.
After submission, take a printout of the application for future reference.
Essential Qualifications-
B. E.
For admission to all the Integrated First-Degree programmes candidates should have passed the 12th examination of 10+2 system from a recognized Central/State board or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics and should have adequate proficiency in English.
B. Pharm
For admission to B. Pharm., candidates should have passed the 12th examination of 10+2 system from a recognized Central or State board or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology or Mathematics and have adequate proficiency in English.
Other Qualification-
For admissions to First-Year Degree Programme (B. Tech), candidates should have obtained a minimum of aggregate 75% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects in Higher Secondary examination, with at least 60% marks in each of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
बी. टेक पदवी अभ्यासक्रमाच्या प्रवेशासाठी उमेदवारांनी भौतिकशास्त्र, रसायनशास्त्र आणि गणित विषयांमध्ये बारावी च्या परीक्षेत किमान 75% गुण मिळविलेले असावेत. तसेच या तिन्ही विषयांमध्ये प्रत्येकी 60% गुण असणे आवश्यक असते.
For admissions to First-Year Degree Programme (B. Pharm), candidates should have obtained a minimum of aggregate 75% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects in Higher Secondary examination, with at least 60% marks in each of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
बी. फार्म पदवी अभ्यासक्रमाच्या प्रवेशासाठी भौतिकशास्त्र, रसायनशास्त्र आणि जीवशास्त्र विषयांमध्ये बारावी च्या परीक्षेत किमान 75% गुण मिळविलेले असावेत. तसेच या तिन्ही विषयांमध्ये प्रत्येकी 60% गुण असणे आवश्यक असते.
Admission to BITS will be made purely on merit. The merit position of the candidate for admission will be based on the score obtained by the candidate in the BITSAT-2025.
BITS मध्ये प्रवेश पूर्णपणे गुणवत्तेवर दिला जाईल. प्रवेशासाठी उमेदवाराचे गुणवत्तेचे स्थान BITSAT-2025 मध्ये उमेदवाराने मिळवलेल्या गुणांवर आधारित असेल.

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Integrated First Degree Programmes
B.E. Chemical
B.E. Civil
B.E. Computer Science
B.E. Electrical & Electronics
B.E. Electronics & Instrumentation
B.E. Electronics and Communication
B.E. Manufacturing
B.E. Mechanical
B. Pharm.
M.Sc. Biological Sciences
M.Sc. Chemistry
M.Sc. Economics
M.Sc. Mathematics
M.Sc. Physics
M.Sc. General Studies
Integrated First Degree Programmes
B.E. Chemical
B.E. Computer Science
B.E. Electrical & Electronics
B.E. Electronics & Communication
B.E. Electronics & Instrumentation
B.E. Mechanical
M.Sc. Biological Sciences
M.Sc. Chemistry
M.Sc. Economics
M.Sc. Mathematics
M.Sc. Physics
Integrated First Degree Programmes–
B.E. Chemical
B.E. Civil
B.E. Computer Science
B.E. Electrical & Electronics
B.E. Electronics & Communication
B.E. Electronics & Instrumentation
B.E. Mechanical
B. Pharm.
M.Sc. Biological Sciences
M.Sc. Chemistry
M.Sc. Economics
M.Sc. Mathematics
M.Sc. Physics
First Degree Programmes–
B.E. Chemical Engineering
B.E. Civil Engineering
B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
B.E. Mechanical Engineering
B.E. Computer Science
B.E. Biotechnology
B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering
Other Important Entrance Exam-
Note that-
Any changes in dates or other important announcements will be communicated on the official website.
I have filled the form for BITSAT